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Morning Classes Fee

Kindergarten course

For those who can promise from admission to graduation.

Admission fee 88,000 yen

Annual fee   9,000 yen (once a year)

Equipments & insurance fee 35,000 yen (April and October)


Preschool class

1 day a week   21,000 yen

2 days a week 41,000 yen

3 days a week 58,000 yen

4 days a week 69,000 yen

​5 days a week 75,000 Yen

Kindergarten class

Teaching material fee     5,000 yen (once a year)

K-3  83,000 Yen

K-4  80,000 Yen

K-5  80,000 yen

Skycare 1 day of the week  5,500 yen

​ (extended care until 5:30 pm)

Preschool course

If you haven't decided or you have plans to move the school.

Admission fee 33,000 yen

Annual fee   9,000 yen (once a year)

Equipment insurance fee 35,000 yen (April and October)


Preschool class

1 day a week   28,000 yen

2 days a week 49,000 yen

3 days a week 71,000 yen

4 days a week 92,000 yen

​5 days a week 112,000 Yen

Kindergarten class

Teaching material fee     5,000 yen (once a year)

K-3  93,000 Yen

K-4  90,000 Yen

K-5  90,000 yen

Skycare 1 day of the week  5,500 yen

​ (extended care until 5:30 pm)

1 monthtrial

You can try out the kindergarten for one month with only the monthly fee.

Preschool class

1 day a week   30,000 yen

2 days a week 56,000 yen

3 days a week 84,000 yen

4 days a week 112,000 yen

​5 days a week 140,000 Yen

Kindergarten class

Teaching material fee     5,000 yen (once a year)

Skycare 1 day of the week  5,500 yen

​ (extended care until 5:30 pm)

*Please contact us for sibling discounts.

*The Kinder Course is for those who can promise to complete the Complete Class. If you decide to withdraw from the Kinder Course and later change your eligibility from the Kinder Course to the Preschool Course, we will charge you the difference.

Since 2006 by Sky Garden Pre-school.

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